I was reminded yesterday while I was speaking to a group of children's Pastor's and volunteers; how amazing some of the church teachers were I had growing up as a kid. There was no powerpoint, no bounce houses, no video games, microphones, etc... Here's what we had:
1. Old lady in a beehive hairdo named - Ida
2. Long Wooded Spoon
3. Tin can full of bubblegum
4. a large poster board made up of 8 taped up 8.5x11 papers. (ghetto style)
Those 4 things helped shape and change my life. I never would have thought that back then. As a matter of fact, if a parent TODAY walked into a children's ministry with ONLY those 4 things...that parent would walk right back out the doors. I mean...take a look at some of children's facilities today in the world!! TOP OF THE LINE!
And, I was stuck with a "wooden spoon." BUT...I wouldn't give those memories up for the world.
There were many songs Ida used to make us sing in order to get the bubble gum in the tin can... She'd stand in front of her large "ghetto" posterboard (Equivalent to powerpoint today) and direct us word for word with her wooden spoon many songs. I've never forgotten this one. I never will forget this one:
"THe devil is a sly old fox. If I could catch him I'd put him in a box. Lock the door and throw away the key. For all the mean tricks he's played on me.
I'm glad I have salvation (3x's)
I'm trusting in the Lord
BAM!!! Believe it or not, that was the 1st song I busted out 8 1/2 years ago when my beautiful mom was going through a serious trial (she's free today). Busted that song out when my daddy was diagnosed with cancer last year (He's cancer free today). I sing that when I know the enemy puts thoughts in my mind of "giving up with this amazing generation of young people."
He's a "sly old fox." And, one of these days....he's going to get hunted down and cooked for stew (ok....I've been in Alaska too long).
2 Corinthians 2:12 - ..... After all, we don't want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief—we're not oblivious to his sly ways!
Friends, I'm thankful for Ida. I'm thankful for her consistency in training us not just as children; somewhere along the line, I believe she was training us for when we were adults. Thanks Ida.
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