Saturday, June 18, 2011

When your KIDS teach you lessons..

As a parent, I have been corrected by my kids one time or another. Have you? If not, your kids are either SUPER scared of you....or you're Jesus. OK...not really. Mark and I have learned to teach our kids (with respect) to talk things through if it's appropriate and the timing is correct.
Prime example: I was having a super busy/stressful day about a year ago and one of my daughters ticked me off by spilling MILK in my clean car. My reaction, "How could you do such a stupid thing knowing you're not allowed to bring milk in the car??!" Her reply in a soft voice, "Mom, you said we could never say the word "stupid" to each other. You just called my stupid." OUCH!! CORRECTION!! I apologized for my words and helped her clean it up.

Last night and this morning my daughters taught me lessons again. This time it wasn't because of something I said, it was what I didn't say.

Macy (my 3rd daughter) had her 7th birthday slumber party last night. A lot of little 6-7 year olds running around my humble abode. We had a night of excitement and every girl thoroughly enjoyed it. As we were heading back home from the movies, my girls (along with 2 other friends) were singing some of their fun songs from church. The rest of the girls were just listening (Because they didn't know them). Braydee, my 9 year old asked, "Don't you know the song BOOM SHAKA LAKA?" The young girls replied. "No, what's that?" My little evangelist daughter started sharing the gospel in a way that only another peer her age could understand. I continued all the way home with a smile on my face. I didn't have to say a word.

Then, this morning one of the girls was telling me how she was a little scared last night because it was her first time sleeping over at another person's house. I told her, "When my girls are scared, I tell them to pray to God and it helps them." She replied, "I thought God was dead!" That's when my oldest piped up. She shared the gospel to that little girl. It was sweetness in my kitchen. I didn't have to say a word.

You see, when I wonder if I'm doing a good job being a mom, setting an example with my lack of impatience or fixing healthy meals for the family....I THANK GOD for moments like these. He slips an act of encouragement through my kids. The chicken can burn or rooms be a mess, I'll take that any day knowing my girls "love people" enough to share the greatest news of all.

1 comment:

fran franco said...

Heidi that very sweet. Your girls are very special. Love ya