Sunday, February 13, 2011

What "ifs"

In my devotion today, I read about “what ifs.” It’s quite funny. With 4 daughters, I’m in that stage. “What if a moose or bear is at the bus stop?” (yes, I live in Alaska). “What if my friends start talking bad about me?” “What if I can’t do it?” I’m in the world of “what ifs” and I understand why they ask. They’re kids! Right?

But what about when I start thinking or asking those “What ifs?” What if its the ADULT who’s wrestling with thoughts of doubt, anxiety, worry? But then I realize…..I am a kid. His kid. He expects those feelings from me…..but just like I am with my daughters….I expect my words and my prayers to ease the fear and anxiety they’re going through. He expects the same.

I found some great advice I plan to use the next time I’m in the “What if “ state. I hope it helps you too:

With a notebook by my bed, I jot down my worries and leave them in the hands of the only One who never slumbers or sleeps. I transform my list of “what ifs” into a prayer page of “please advise,” asking the God who crafted the entire universe out of nothing to show me, when He is ready, what action, if any, I need to take with regards to my list. For the time being, I request that He work on them, so I can get some shut-eye

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