Monday, February 21, 2011

Following the Leader....

When I was a kid I LOVED playing "Following the Leader".....Depending on who was the "leader." If it was one of my older cousins I already knew it would entail climbing, jumping, flips, and some sort of dare-devilish type of act from us younger folk. Most times i'd endure some scrapes, bruises, and even "I QUIT" attitudes arose from playing this childhood game.

Lead me in the right path, O Lord... Make your way plain for me to follow. Ps 5:8 NLT

I need this verse EVERYDAY. Life is like "Following the Leader." Jesus is ultimately leading my life. And YES!!!....there are obstacles along the way. YES!!!...It's so much easier to QUIT and play again when there's another leader that doesn't take you through the ups and downs. But that's it! He's right along side of us....leading us. He's not barking demands while sitting eating bon bons. He's in the game of life with us....leading the pack. Everything we go through, He's felt and dealt with it. He NEVER quits!

What mom (or any person) doesn't need this verse posted on their fridge, her bathroom mirror, and her dashboard?

A) I need help knowing the right path.
B) I need the way to be plain. Cause I am not the fastest horse in the gate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great Heidi, love it!