Monday, December 20, 2010

10 things I know I NEED

A busy season has just ended and I've had time (2 hours) to reflect and ponder some NEEDS. This time of the year can be so sure to spend some time taking care of you. After all, what good are you if YOU'RE not taking care of you.

Here are just of few (ok...maybe more than a few) I know I need in order to start this new year with a SHAZAAAAM! You like that....SHAZAAAAAM!!

1) Time alone. Space. Breathing Room. :-)
2) At least one date a week with Mark.
3) Lots of hugs from my kids (even though I'm not too "touchy feely" ...these are so special)
4) Time to listen to my favorite music.
5) Reading time. I love my kindle.
6) The Word of God.
7) Exercise.
8) An iced vanilla latte on a busy day (which seems like too often).
9) Grace. Lots of this.
10) Creative outlets.

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