Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pony Express Riders

Who were they? We don't mention them much because we've forgotten what their purpose was. With IM, texting, emails, paying our bills over the internet...Who needs to remember them? Qualifications of a Pony Express Rider:
1. Young
2. Willing to face death on a daily basis
3. Strong

(Task) - Able to ride from Missouri to California in 10 days or less

Talk about the IMPOSSIBLE! From Missouri to California in 10 days or less. On a horse? To do what? Carry a message? What message is so IMPORTANT it would require these qualifications? One that could pose someone risking their life daily?

Answer: The message of hope in Jesus. He so desires to see people move in the destiny He's called them in. That's a message worth giving your life for.

I doubt it if the person on the receiving end knew what the rider went through. The miles, the tiredness, the long hours. However, it didn't really matter to them. What mattered most was getting that message.

The apostle Paul wrote in the book of Romans how it's his "OBLIGATION", How he was "NOT ASHAMED". He was not only a WRITER....He was a RIDER! Willing to take this message to the palaces, business world, and prisons.

What about you? What about me? I know I'm way passed 18 years or younger....BUt I too have to "PONY UP" and ride the express to get this message of hope and love out. It could mean someone's life on the line on the receiving end.

Every Wednesday night I see them a generation of students and young adults who are all capable of being "Riders" for Christ. STRONG enough to mount on a stallion and ride off in the wind....but at times lack the willingness to get back on when reality of life starts to set in. Is the message not worth getting back up?

I believe it is. Will you join me? In case you forgot the qualifications:
1. Young
2. Willing to face death on a daily basis
3. Strong

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