Monday, September 14, 2009


Sitting here in my living room, looking outside my many windows, baby PAityn's sleeping so soundly, the radio K-LOVE is playing lightly behind me, and the sun is trying to make it's way through some clouds. It's a great day. Mark came back late last night from Fairbanks and had a wonderful time. Good friends of ours gave us a ton of salmon and we're estactic about that (THANKS LOWERY'S)! I'm going to go to the office today and mail out some letters, add a new program to my OLD computer (hope it survives), and meet Mark for lunch. Maybe somewhere in between there I'll stop for coffee.

I was reading a great devotion about how my GOd will never withhold anything from me if I walk blameless in his eyes. I quickly thought of the girl character from the new Willie Wonka - Veruca. How her daddy gave her EVERYTHING she wanted. Of course, SPOILED! But, there came a point in that movie when she wanted a squirrel and commanded her DADDY to get it for her. He was unable. So, she went to get it herself. And if you've seen the movie, we know she's pretty much "trumped" by a lot of squirrels. I wonder if the daddy was really UNABLE to do it...or if he thought, "Why in the world would you want a stupid squirrel when you have thousands of other things worth so much!" BUt isn't that like me...or us? There's this God, our daddy who's willing to give us anything as long as we walk blameless in his sight. BUt then we ask for something so stupid (AKA ..Squirrel). Yes, HE's ABLE....but not WILLING to give us the wants he knows we don't NEED. I have to remember that in all TIMES. Even in the "not so happy" times. He's willing to give me anything, he won't withhold long as I walk blameless.

Lord, I pray that I will walk blameless today. I pray I am able to change a sour attitude, brighten someone's day with kindness. Possibly even a smile.

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