Here's why. I came with the pre-conceived idea the summers were a bummer. Not a lot of sunny and warm days. BUT I WAS WRONG! I know some Alaskans think I'm weird when I say this, but it's MUCH MORE humid here than in Vegas. I'd rather be in 110 degree weather in Vegas where it's super dry...than 85-90 degree weather where it's humid. Now, I know it didn't hit 85-90 here, but it sure felt close. I spent most of my afternoons after work downstairs in the basement with my kids. And of course, wouldn't you know it...none of the houses in Anchorage have AC. CRAZY!
But all that rambling to say, I LOVE THE SUMMERS HERE! Now, I can hardly wait for the SNOW! (J/K...once again Alaskans think I'm nuts even saying that).
Here's what the week entailed:
- Mark was gone to camp AN and didn't talk to him at all for 7 days. Not because I was mad at him....:) but because there was no means of communication there. He said it was amazing and really touched (opened his eyes) on the rest of this wonderful state ALASKA.
- Still waiting to hear from the doctor's office. Better hurry soon. Paityn Jo's coming in August!
- Had fun with the girls sleeping downstairs all week - WEEK LONG SLEEPOVER!
- Had a great youth night. Love Anchorage 1st AG youth. Missed some of you though!
- Saw a MAMA duck try and save her baby duckies from getting hit with cars on a busy street. She was unsuccessful and all of them were killed. Horrible, but gave me a great analogy of how Christ would risk his own life, get in the middle of our hectic situation (just like the mama duck did) and save us ultimately from death. Thank you Jesus for your love.
- All that from a mama duck and her heroic efforts to save her babies. Now you know I'm a preacher/teacher if I can come up with that.
- Macy was sick Wednesday with a tummy ache. She was much better the next day. Thanks pepto.
- Just realized I can't leave full plastic garbage bags outside my deck (for pick up later). Squirrels or something ripped them open and out came all this mess. I wasn't happy at all! Made the girls clean it up...hee
- Watched SLUMDOG MILLIONARE for the first time this week. Really, really liked it.
- I cut Macy's hair. Looks really cute (longer bob and cut bangs)
- Got my dodge durango tow-trucked to a friends house for him to fix. I pray it's inexpensive and I'm so thankful for people in the church that are willing to help one another. We owe him and his family one.
- Mark's back from camp AN on Thursday. On the way to the airport I got a massive flat with my other durango. WHAT'S UP! THat was minut compared to the crashed one.
- Mark leaves today to Washington. Speaking at Silver lake camp. A camp I used to go to in college when I traveled with minstry teams.
- Had to close a credit card acct because someone had been using my card (FRAUD). First time it's happened and I pray the LAST!
- I love my hubby and my girls, parents, brother, cousins, friends! I am a blessed lady.
- I'm doing this today - Friday ...as opposed to Saturday because....I want to hit some yardsales tomorrow. Believing to find a nice (and of course decent) crib for new baby. Gave all that stuff away 4 years ago to my Godson and now I need one.
- Heading to family camp at 7pm. It'll be fun. Having dinner with the CHANEY'S ...great people!
- Taking Mark back to the airport at 11pm. He's gonna do a great and amazing job at this summer camp.
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