Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Speech ...Speech..."

Bill Gates, like him or not; is one unique and amazing person that God designed. Not only did he revolutionize and blaze the trail for the "computer" world (I'm an avid APPLE fan now), but now he's giving speeches, talks, motivational mentoring to student in high schools.

My Aunt posted on her FB how Mr. Gates recently was invited to speak at a high school graduation as the keynote speaker. Words came from his mouth I'm sure either made people ANGRY or it set them FREE.

Hmm..sounds like something I've heard before about speaking the "TRUTH." Mark used to say this quite often, "The truth will either get you MAD or set you FREE!" I'll be honest, there were times it used to get me REALLY MAD when I heard him say it. But, ultimately, he was right.

Bill Gates' speech was entitled, "11 Things They Did Not and Will Not Teach You In School". I want to focus on his FIRST one:

#1 - "Life is not fair, and it's Never going to be".

I've been in youth ministry since I was at Northwest University. There have been great experiences and life truths I would never take back in the last 20 years. However, if there could be any, it would be those times I've had to sit with a young person and hear the "hell and horror" they've been through. The unfairness they've had to endure. Some of them make it and rise to the top (I know personal loved ones who have), and some never get passed it.

Was it fair their dad, uncle, brother, neighbor, friend, or friend of a friend, robbed them of their purity and innocence? Absolutely not.

Was it fair that a hard working man or woman lost their job and security of finances for providing for their family because of their color or ethnicity? Absolutely not.

Is it fair a baby is never given the chance to be born and live the life God destined them to live because a couple got in the "heat of the moment" and can't risk "ruining the rest of their lives" (so to speak)? Absolutely not.

People make choices. Choices will make people.

God never intended to FORCE people in to making choices that involve Him. He desires that people would see His love for them and in seeing and experiencing that, they'd make choices with Him in it. Does that make everything a "fairy Tale" story? NO....but it sure makes life so much easier to cope and accept knowing there's a higher being and calling than this life. But, if I'm going to be living this life (which I am), I'm going to live and breathe it with Him in it.

Control is what He wants from us. Not because He's an overbearing boss or the master of micro-managing. But, when we don't give it to Him...things can get "out of control".

I don't know why bad things happen to good people or vice versa. I've often wondered that. But I know if the Savior of this world could have been "man-handled" so ferociously to the point of death. Fair...isn't the issue. It's where we go from there. It's where those that we love most go from there.

Rise up from the unfairness as He did. All along, this was His plan. I don't know which is better; to know you're going to be treated unfairly, or to have it hit you blind-sided. I choose neither. He chose the first because He loved me.

"Unfair" things will happen. Mark and I are preparing ourselves and our 4 daughters when it/they do happen....He's in control. He loves and knows EVERYTHING about us. He'll sustain us and be our provider. Our hope and comfort in time of need. It's nothing we need to fear for, but rather, prepare for.

Thanks Bill Gates for reminding and possibly for the first time teaching people this LIFE principle. It's not something to fear if you know who "ultimately" is in control.

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