It all started with taking Mark to the Airport at MIDNIGHT! Much less expensive to fly from Alaska when you do it late.
Spent 7 hours with the most amazing group of students praying, working on worship music, skits, human videos and dreaming!
Came home and CRASHED!
Up early for church.
Brought 3 extra girls home with me (my daughters' friends)
Church PM service
And Home...relaxing with a warm cup of cocoa and writing. WHOO!
Amazing how much a person can do. The funny thing is....I don't get tired of it. I'm grateful to have a job I love (both in raising 4 daughters with my amazing hubby and pastoring/leading people).
About 4am this morning I was staring at my 5 year old (she slept with me last night) and thinking...."oh my gosh, she's gonna be out my house in 13 more years." Now that might seem like a LONG time for some ya'll, but come this February I'm going to be married 13 years. IT BOGGLES MY think it's gone by that fast. I so want to cherish all the moments I can. I am so FAVORED to have the family I have.
On a side note, pray for my dad. Refugio Jose Franco I. (I love his full name). Everyone calls him Joe. My dad is the most amazing person I know. (Actually he and my mom are tied). He was diagnosed with cancer in November 2009. Praise God, it's operable and after testing they're confident it didn't spread. I'm believing that report! I love you daddy. And Jesus, thank you for blessing me with an amazing father here on this earth.
This week will be extremely busy. Lord, give me supernatural strength in the areas I mess up and/get weak.
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